Players: 0
Say something?
Hello There!
Hello World!
Watch out!
I will catch you...
Please don't go away...
Hold on!!!
In your dreams...
Help me! I am tiny
I like to grow
I am so big...
Can we work as team?
Follow me?
Hold on!
But you are not here!
Nobody can win me!
That was nice :)
That was NOT nice :(
This was fun ;)
Where is everybody?
Where are YOU?
I got a good hiding-place
Go up
Go down
Go left
Go right
Thank you
Sure, yes
Need to go, bye
See you tomorrow?
See you later today?
See you in 15 minutes?
Bye Bye
This game was easy
This game is too hard
This game is not teaching me?
This game has bugs!!!
This game is too fast!!!
This game is too slow!!!
Game Classics:
TyPool Fight
Multi-Player Game
Nickname not accepted, must be 3-4 letters e.g. JOE
Show borders
Show mass
Continue and continue...
Hit keys around you to move
Eat food and other players to grow bigger
A player's size is the number of food eaten
Goal: Try to get bigger and eat others